FM Broadcasts, Podcasts, MixCloud Streams, Music/Noize/SoundCollage

  • Mixcloud

    PmC’s Wicked Mindful: Meditations on Radio is either live streamed/recorded live and posted to the Mixcloud platform or the broadcast version is posted. Increasingly past broadcasts/streams of the rocking’ and/or experimental radio shows of PmC, Paul, Monoghan, Tinnitus and perhaps even the redonkulous, Hemoragic Gatekeeper are being converted and uploaded to

    It is worth noting that with the COVID pandemic the Mixcloud platform opened up licensed music based recorded and live-streaming to radio producers, DJs and more, worldwide. This is perhaps an inflection point in licensed, mixed, radio-show-like audio distribution… mixtapes for and by anyone! How soon will other platforms follow? Will Mixcloud get serious about privacy and can it actually attract non-producers in mass? Let’ see!

  • Podcasts

    PmC has released hundreds of Mindfuling podcasts over the years. These are actual meditation practice based releases with instructions and related Dhamma talks. Sound as object/focus is often used because: sound is podcasting…

    With CoHost Frederick, PmC has embarked on the SciFi Buddha podcast a life-long 10 seconds per episode waxing on Star Wars ‘77 aka A New Hope and related pop culture intersections. At our current release rate we hope to complete the project of SciFi Buddha —watching StarWars ‘77 into a podcast— before one of us, or the film, turns 100 years old —circa 2064-2071! May the LiveLong Be with You, and Also with Us.


  • caht machine

    FM Radio/Streams

    Most recently PmC has produced and broadcast Wicked Mindful: Meditations on Radio (WMmor), on WZBC 90.3 FM in the greater Boston Massachusetts listening area and on Mixcloud. The last episode was aired in May of 2022 (check the PMCwhenever page on Mixcloud for the official archive of shows). WMmor was a collage minded freeformy, often noisy, noncom radio show with a deep and decidedly ZBC tone of the before-the-iPhone-changed-everything but mindful of the more timeless tone today, now.

    PmC has voiced, produced and mixed non-commercial radio shows spanning >35 years. He has been Program Director, Music Director, Board Member and more at multiple radio stations — WZBC, WNYU, WCBN — in the USA.

  • Bandcamp Releases *COMING SOON*

    PmC is releasing a number of recordings through Bandcamp under the names of “pmcTinnitus”. These audios are more like original music than radio shows but with collage, things get warmly fuzzy (check Mixcloud for radioish stuff) and on Bandcamp they will take the form of CD’s and Vinyl. You may even find some cassettes for totally ridiculous analog hissy-bits — Sooooooon!

Wayback Machine aka Marantz Pro Cassette Recorder w/ vintage Virus air check circa ~1989

Wayback Machine aka Cassette Recorder aka Marantz Pro Cassette Recorder w/ vintage “Virus” WZBC air check circa ~1989

ZBC Playlist Return Address Graphic (Macpaint DotMatrix Printout circa 1986, 20”x20”)

ZBC Playlist Return Address Graphic (Macpaint DotMatrix Printout circa 1986, 20”x20”)