
Workshops integrating meditation and creative practice are offered occasionally in person in Rockland MA and/or online. Signup for AWAKEwax Email to be in the loop.

Regular and frequent meditation and Eight Fold Path based classes and retreats taught by Paul are found on the South Shore Insight Meditation Center website, Click here to go there.

For near immediate meditation related audio, checkout the Mindfuling podcast (please remember podcasts are not a replacement for real life practices...)

Got enough art, music, books, candy, toys, love? Has society trained you to be so busy that you don’t know what contentment truly feels like?

How do you know if this has happened?

Can you sit in a park and observe in relaxed and awake way the depth and richness of just one square meter of space happily, repeatedly? How about a virtually empty white walled hall, can you sit there awake and relaxed, for a few hours, maybe days?

Well, there is a better way than just getting by, just one more thin mint… it is a practice though, you have to actually do it over and over again — practice mindfuling, practice ethical behavior, practice wise thinking — until the practices become, happily, your unified actuality. Beware of the fancy smoke and complicated moves, special clothes, degrees, idols and the endless other escapes hiding, reflecting delusion…

Practice and see your life freer of self, full of imperfect conditions but not seen as solids, problems… Oh! Not only should you not believe any of this, believing is a HUGE problem that gets in the way of the actual practice of making, awaking to life… Seriously, see for yourself then free your self.